The aromatic qualities of Orange peel and Coriander mingle with the light Banana esters produced by the Abbey yeast to create a wonderfully complex and tantalizing introduction to this reddish-orange beer. Honey adds a touch of sweetness and combined with the Belgian Candi sugar kicks up the alcohol another notch. Nicknamed the 'Belgian Braggot', this beer will give you something to brag about to your beer drinking buddies.
Bacchus Batches have been developed and tweaked over the last 40 years. Our kits feature expertly crafted recipes that cater to a range of tastes and preferences. Whether you're a fan of hop-forward IPAs, malt-driven stouts, or balanced pale ales, our recipes ensure you brew award winning beer with the freshest ingredients. All kits include grain, yeast, hops, and priming sugar (at no extra cost). Select grain milling at checkout, or drop it in the notes section. When shipping a kit, it is highly recommended to purchase an ice pack with an insulated shipper to ensure yeast health.