Bootleg Biology The Mad Fermentationist Saison Blend

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BBXMAD1 – The Mad Fermentationist Saison Blend

Availability: Limited

Source: A unique blend of cultures curated by The Mad Fermentationist, Michael Tonsmeire

Bootleg Biology is proud to announce The First Official Mad Fermentationist Culture!

Fine tuned over two years, this blend morphed over time to become an elegant powerhouse of classic Saison spice, stone-fruit Brett, lactic tartness and a dry but well-rounded body. The final master blend consists of Saison yeast, wild Saccharomyces, rare Brettanomyces and an opportunistic Lactobacillus culture.

At temperatures as low as 68F (20C) The Mad Fermentationist Saison Blend exhibits a relatively clean primary fermentation profile and high attenuation. Traditional saison temperatures (around 80F/27C) bring out citrus and elevated phenols (pepper and clove). The Brett character shifts depending on wort composition, as maltier beers emphasize cherry and stone fruit qualities.

This blend integrates beautifully with fruity and tropical hops, with the unique Brett culture keeping hop aromatics crisp and bright for an extended time. For best results use a highly fermentable wort, dry hopping during the tail of active fermentation, and carbonating naturally.

Brewing Info*:

  • Type: Blend of Saccharomyces, Brettanomyces and Lactobacillus cultures.
  • Pitching Rate: Directly pitchable into 5 gallons of 1.050 or lower wort
  • Estimated Attenuation: 90-100%
  • Estimated Final pH: 3.5-3.8
  • Flavor/Aroma Profile: Citrus, Pepper, Clove, Cherry, Stone Fruit
  • Flocculation: Medium
  • Recommended Fermentation Temperature: 68F to 80F

* Performance information subject to change due to ongoing testing.

Product Category: Bootleg FerMENTORS Series

Bootleg Biology is the exclusive producer & distributor of The Mad Fermentationist Saison Blend, a unique culture blend created by Michael Tonsmeire.

The FerMENTORS Series features house yeast and bacteria cultures from our favorite mixed-fermentation breweries. From spontaneous, local terroir to artfully inoculated fermentations, these cultures were carefully curated by the best of the best in wild and sour brewing. Never commercially released before, these unique cultures are the building blocks of world-class beers that you can now recreate in your brewery.

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